Filter Bubble, Woke Bubble, Fashion Bubble, Insta, TikTok, Twitter Bubble… Wir alle blubbern oft blind vor uns hin und lassen uns davon abhalten, über den Tellerrand hinauszuschauen und die Perspektiven Anderer zu sehen. Dabei verpassen wir nicht nur den Kontakt und Austausch mit Menschen aus anderen Lebensrealitäten, sondern auch einen Haufen spannender Geschichten, Ideen und Erlebnisse. Doch wir wollen das ändern! Mit der diesjährigen TEDxYouth@München möchten wir gemeinsam mit Euch neue Wege beschreiten und die Grenzen unserer eigenen Bubbles sprengen. Wir wollen Gemeinsamkeiten schaffen und miteinander im Dialog sein - nur so können wir als Gesellschaft wachsen und uns weiterentwickeln.

WTF, 2022

On July 26th 2022 we were guests at Werk 7 Theater and Tonhalle at Werksviertel-Mitte München. Two beautiful locations with a great surrounding and an urban, egdy atmosphere. For the first time we organized a full TEDxYouth@München Festival with seven great speakers and two music acts on our Main Stage, three exciting panel discussions with a total of 16 young experts on the Debate Stage, 4 great experts in the Lounge and more than 10 workshops at our festival.


With TEDxYouth@Munich, we explore ideas and projects that relate to a younger audience and inspire changemakers under 25 to move forward and positively shape our future. Due to current world events, known restrictions around COVID-19, and of course protecting everyone's health, our TEDxYouth live event in July could not take place as planned and hoped. We could have cancelled it for 2020. But we decided against it. Because these times call for special measures and more inspiration, exchange and convergence than ever.

WHO, IF NOT US?, 2019

On July 11th 2019 we were guests at the legendary Muffathalle München. The theme of TEDxYouth@München 2019 was “WHO, IF NOT US?”. Whether it is regarding topics like climate protection, open borders or the chances of digitalization ”Generation Z” is taking more and more responsibility for the future of our planet and our society.